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Botox Injections

You might be most familiar with Botox in the context of celebrity makeovers. But did you know that Botox treatments are safe and accessible to the average person?
The main active ingredient used in Botox injections is Botulinum toxin, which is FDA-approved as a treatment for a wide range of medical problems such as eye disorders and muscle spasm disorders among other medical uses.
Many are prescribed Botox for migraines by their doctors because Botox treatments are also effective at reducing chronic headaches.

But Botulinum toxin is also be a cosmetic treatment used to smooth facial wrinkles and lines mainly around the forehead, eyes, and nose.

Botox for forehead lines

How Does It Work?

Let’s get into the details of how Botox injections actually work!

When administered by a trained professional, the treatment is injected directly into the facial muscles. It only takes a tiny amount to transform wrinkled, lined, or worn out skin into youthful and smooth skin!

Botulinum toxin works to smooth your skin by relaxing and neutralizing facial muscles to prevent them from tightening and becoming rigid, which is the cause of unwanted wrinkles, creases, and lines.

It takes a about a week for Botox treatments to show their effects, so you’ll start to see improvements 7 to 10 days after your treatment!

Side Effects of Botox


As with all medical and cosmetic treatments, Botox injections do have their own reported side effects.

Fortunately, it is very rare for people to have an allergic reaction to Botox treatments. So, for most, Botox is a very low-risk treatment with no side effects!

Dysport vs Botox


If you’ve been researching Botox treatments on your own, you may have come across the brand name Dysport. There are many articles discussing Dysport vs Botox out there, but there are only a couple things you have to know when thinking about the two treatments!

Dysport is an alternate brand that contains the same Botulinum toxin as the more-familiar Botox brand does. Dysport is also FDA-approved and provides similar cosmetic results.

Dysport treatments deliver the same results as Botox treatments, but Dysport is generally less expensive and starts showing results sooner than Botox!

Next Steps. . .

What to know more about Botox injections or get your own? Simply schedule an appointment at any of our Arizona Star Girl Aesthetics spa or salon locations to get a personalized cosmetic treatment experience!
Our professional staff are friendly and knowable and they will guide you through the process to help you feel comfortable and confident as you explore the treatment that’s right for you!

Botox Cost vs Dysport Cost

Botox Injections

$9.99 per Unit
  • Forehead Lines: Average Treatment $160-$320
  • Eyebrow Lift: Average Treatment $100
  • Glabellar Lines: Average Treatment $240
  • Canthal Lines: Average Treatment $240
  • Bunny Lines: Average Treatment $120-$280
  • Hyperhidrosis: Average Treatment $244-$494 per underarm

Dysport Injections

$3.98 per Unit
  • Forehead Lines: Average Treatment $128-$256
  • Eyebrow Lift: Average Treatment $80
  • Glabellar Lines: Average Treatment $192
  • Canthal Lines: Average Treatment $192
  • Bunny Lines: Average Treatment $96-$224
  • Hyperhidrosis: Average Treatment $199-$399 per underarm